Ronnie Vickery

Ronnie Vickery

Cancer Survivor with LYS Protocol first hand experience. Mens Health Support Worker. Visualisations, Meditation. Active Blogger.

I am living a clean and healthy life, I feel stronger and healthier than ever before. I am happy every day I wake up and grateful for everything I have. I know I am living each day with purpose and in alignment, my Dr has given me not only the all clear but he has told me my health is optimal, my organs are hydrated and I am strong!

I am cancer free after doing a beautiful lifestyle change and living the LYS way with Petra at Love your Soul. Awesome guidance lead me down a path I love.

This Programme and the changes I made in my own home with my whole family changed my life and now I want to inspire others to make lasting changes that effect their families in the most positive ways, just as it has for me.


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Love Your Soul assists you in making lasting lifestyle changes.

To love oneself is to believe in oneself

Healthy body Healthy mind

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