Love Your Soul evolved as I learnt how to heal my body. After I learnt to detoxify correctly and safely, I then began helping others in dire need on their journeys.
"We are either feeding disease or fighting it" LYS
Please read below and for more information on anti disease and complimentary chemotherapy nutrition protocols head to our 'therapies' page.
During my recovery I was blessed to have a supportive partner who listened to my needs and trusted me. Regaining my health was a life changing journey that I knew I had to share with others.
Along the road I have walked, through both healing myself and assisting others to heal, I have learnt that support along with knowledge is the absolute key. There is a far greater chance of fast and long term recovery when we have a support network around us.
My Programmes and Protocols at Love Your Soul (LYS) are all uniquely designed around each individual because not one of us is the same nor do we all fit into one box.
With over 10 years experience as a Body Works Therapist & Healer unlocking
trauma within the muscles and within the body before becoming momentarily ill this journey took me on an intense hunt for the truth. To heal my own Mind Body Spirit on the deepest level.
It has taken years of intense research, questions and eventually enough knowledge to truly understand this. Sourcing legitimate products is also essential for wellbeing. Over the past 7 years I have only used Organic Rosehip Skincare created by Nancy Evans. Especially during my recovery as this range is truly skin food and organ recovery skincare and supplementation.
I loved when I began breaking through the opinions, contradictions and misinformation which was so ripe on the internet and in many other places.
This ongoing and intense research allowed me to understand how people end up with a warped perception of what health really is. Through LYS we want to educate and assist, taking the stress away from illness, giving solutions.

I hope through LYS we can help you make the changes you desire. Help you find what you need to assist you in creating a comfortable non toxic, healing home environment and conscious life to surround you and your family. Most of all I hope you feel empowered. Just as I did.
Plant the seed of wellness and create a rippling effect that follows... That is our wish for you..
For my story to wellness please scroll down to 'MY TEAM' below and click on my image 'Petra Christian'.
Warmest Wishes, Petra & The LYS Team.
Love Your Soul.