Petra Christian

Petra Christian

Detox Specialist, Body Works Therapist, Health & Lifestyle Coach. FOUNDER of Love Your Soul

Love Your Soul evolved as I learnt how to heal my body.
After I learnt to detoxify correctly and safely, I then started on the journey to internal balance with others who were also in dire need. With compassion and total understanding of the fear these people felt, as I too had once been there.

I now specialise in:
There are many things to take into account. I address everything from your thoughts, to the people, the pollutants and the foods you are exposed to.
I assist you in having the strength to remove all that no longer serves you on your road to true recovery. To truly address and grab a hold of exactly what you need as a unique individual to heal.

"Given The Right Environment The Body Can Heal Anything".

-Full Nutrition Regimes and Protocols
-Complimentary Chemotherapy & Radiation Supplement & Nutrition Programmes
-Emotional clearing
-Body Regeneration both Stripping of Toxins and Rebuilding the Bodies Natural Functions
-Crystal Healings
-Cell Regeneration
-Transdermal Treatments
-Heat treatments
-Inner child recovery 

-Modalities within the home to rectify internal and environmental pollutants
-Emotional Support 
-Teaching you how to heal at home. Mind Body Spirit.

-Flying in to your home town and remaining close for up to 3 weeks to begin the full change over and get you on track so you feel safe and comfortable within your own programme.
-OR flying patients in for up to 3 months to gain the desired results with full care from Love Your Soul consultants alongside myself.
ALL inclusive.

-Coaching between 3weeks to 6months depending on individual needs
-Full Lifestyle and Nutrition Programme 
-100% Non Toxic Approach

-Full Lifestyle and Nutrition Coaching
-Full Nutrition Regime
-100% Non Toxic Approach

-Get off the longterm meds through wellness
-supporting the body with the nutrition it needs 
-with minimal if any withdrawal symtoms
- Full Programme of both Supplements and Nutrition

-We take on all cases. 
-Seeing incredible results
-Less/ No meds needed
-Huge changes in pain and wellness amongst even the most intense cases.


THE WEALTH OF INFORMATION I NOW HAVE TOOK YEARS TO COME TO THIS POINT. I still have so much to learn, and so much to teach.

Regaining my health was a life changing journey that I knew I had to share with others.

Along my own journey through healing then helping others also heal I have learnt that support along with knowledge is the absolute key. There is a far greater chance on fast and long term recovery when we have a support network around us. Our Programmes and Protocols here at LYS are all uniquely designed around each individual because not one of us is the same nor do we all fit into one box.  

I lied in bed the first few day of my diagnosis questioning everything I had been doing and it all made sense why I was so sick. My lifestyle had changed dramatically in just 1 year. I was eating and living a "toxic" lifestyle. It was then I chose to surrounded myself with books of my mums who passed when I was 15 and books of Ancient Healing techniques, Aromatherapy, Massage, Health and Wellbeing, Yoga, Pilates anything Holistic I could get my hands on. Next was researching real stories to recovery that related directly to me. This lead me on trails to underground health information that blew my mind.

Medical literature and true stories from Dr’s themselves lead me down some very interesting and informative paths.

 I went totally chemical free to begin whilst I researched how to add disease fighting modalities, with incredible ingredients and products to assist my at home regime. I did intense high nutrient, fever like baths to induce a state of internal recovery and force my body to produce antibodies. I began alkalising and making high nutrient anti disease foods and I began to recover.

I was empowered and what I was doing was working much faster than I had even thought possible. I used the key points out of the best researched information that I could find along with my prior knowledge and I made sure the things I did I could 100% justify as truth.

After years of research and understanding I have learnt many different Health Modalities and I found a very efficient way to induce an internal state of healing. Most importantly I learnt how to live an easy to manage non toxic lifestyle.

For many years before I was unwell I helped others through body works and emotional release, I watched as their lives would change after treatments and now it was my turn to heal myself. On every level. Body Mind Spirit. Including emotional detoxification. Which I will express is of utmost importance.

I learnt a lot about what makes the human body ill with dis-ease and how to regain full recovery, how the body synthesises nutrients and sends them to the cells, I read many different angles of health. Including symptoms and causes, emotional connection and storing acidic emotional residue within the muscle fibres.

I was blessed to have over 8 years experience within the Health Industry on a Body Works, Chakra Awareness, Rebalancing and Injury support long before my own illness captured me momentarily. Now I have over 14 years experience within the Health Industry on such a larger scale.

The experience I had in these other Alternative Health Modalities prior to being sick truly gave me a huge advantage. I believed in the Ancient Ways much more then I then realised. I had lived them for many years before I was ill.

Things fell into place the more information that I found.

Most of all I felt in control. Which empowered me.

 So many of the trails that led me to find such contradiction over months of constant reseach (sometimes from 6am to 11pm) regarding what was "healthy" and what was not, I finally actually started to find truth and at that moment I could see clearly how disciplined I needed to be.

It took years when it came to researching and knowing how and where to source legitimate products that really were who or what they were claiming to be.

There were so many things to take into account and I had to research all of them. How food came to be in a package and the journey is just one example. I felt blessed and empowered through my research. I felt alive with knowledge and I felt the deepest understanding of why I was on the journey to health that I was on..

Researching hours upon hours and months upon months leading me down trail after trail in order to break through the opinions, contradictions and misinformed information was allowing me to understand how people end up with a warped perception of what 'health' actually is.

I read Dr's Reports, Scientific evidence/studies, Medical Journals and literature and even Tests sadly on animals, it was scary and enlightening and it was a road I loved taking.

I found after researching intensely also into the makeup of the human body and the fundamental needs of most importantly our cells, organs, brain and bodily systems such as the nervous system, ol factory system (brain and memories), digestive, muscular skeletal, and emotional and energetic systems I learnt so much about real recovery and long lasting easy to manage results.

I also learnt how the body stores and copes with toxins and emotional trauma along with the importance of organ health which really opened my eyes to how easy it is to become acidic and in turn breed fungus and anaerobic cells within your body.

The environment that surrounds us, including relationships, skincare, clothes, cars, and the list could go on and on is also a strong factor which I will touch base with as the site evolves.

So here at 'Love Your Soul' (LYS) I hope that you can find the things you are searching for. The things that will assist you to create a comfortable environment and conscious life to surround you and your family with.

Most of all I hope you feel empowered. Just as I did. But make no mistake you must know truly what you are talking about before ever advising anyone else. Because each one of us is different and needs different care.


Our Team

Love Your Soul assists you in making lasting lifestyle changes.

To love oneself is to believe in oneself

Healthy body Healthy mind

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